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Filth Hound NEWs and updates

Updated 3/29/2024

You can also keep up-to-date with my Telegram channel and to a lesser extent Twitter. Links above in-image. 

This journals are my own opinions and takes on things and do not represent the opinions of ANYONE affiliated with me. They are my objective thoughts and updates on the website. Nothing more.

Kinks and the future of the fandom


I’m wondering somedays where the state of things will lead to in the fandom at large. Kinks such as scatplay alone has come an extraordinarily long way since the day I first joined the fandom in 2012. Its been adopted by increasingly larger amounts of furs with other kinks such as vore becoming so predominant now its arguably around the second most common kink furries have outside of vanilla sex. Neither of which were the case when you wind the clocks back about a decade.

I never was a supporter of ‘I am quitting the fandom’ types from those that largely struggle to make meaningful connections and blame that inability on the fandom like they wouldn’t have the same issues anywhere else online. In my eyes it largely doesn’t accomplish anything and a furry who says they are not a furry while still masturbating to furry porn is still a furry in my opinion. People as well as artists come and go all the time. I’ve seen artists and people both drop off the face of the net suddenly without explanation. AMixedUpPuppy, Fishhound, Hazardous Kink (Haz),  and my MIA friend Knox being some of them. That is the nature of the beast though.

What I am noticing more and more is this prevalence of individuals who like to inject their own preconceptions and personal opinions about kink and character designs where they do not belong, most notoriously website policies. As some friends of mine put it worrying about if certain evolutions of Digimon or Pokémon should be allowed to exist on Furry websites while actual proven pedophiles walk free and unpunished both online and IRL by their local governments. This is something I talked about in June of last year on FA following the website’s scandalous and unenforceable decision to ban submissions that include Pokémon of their first evolutions. A decision that largely ignores the fact Pokémon can live decades without evolving as Ash’s Pikachu has quite famously demonstrated in the animated series. This stemming from these individuals assigning their personal preconceptions that the evolution of a Pokémon is a sign of that Pokémon’s canonical age. That has never been the case though as outlined by people who look into this subject matter. See who says and I quote ‘Evolution is linear, with one species evolving and growing into a new, stronger form. Viewed in this way, it’s easy to compare it to the aging process. Professor Rowan’s research in Generation 4 delves into whether or not it’s a form of maturity, but evolution is actually very different from aging.’

Source -'s,actually%20very%20different%20from%20aging

With this in mind its easy to see the detractors screaming pedophilia over this to bringing up very false accusations that are damaging as they take attention away from actual offenders. You are effectively policing things that do not need to be policed and should not in a make-believe fandom like furrydom.

Interpreting kinks and character designs too literally in my opinion is a sign of a under-developed mind that is not fully mature to properly understand adult concepts of assumed fiction. Taking art especially at face value is like pissing yourself in terror that the Sharknado movie you saw is HISTORICAL recordings of something that actually happened, when that is absolutely not the case. To be blunt this line of thinking is moronic at best and damaging to the fandom at worst. Its not mature, its not a developed and intelligent line of thinking in my opinion. Its people staring at a monitor thinking art of non-con actually encourages and leads to occurrences of rape in a fandom that is one of the most gentle, kind, and progressive there is on the net. It’s the same outdated and stupid lines of thinking behind old politicians trying to claim Grand Theft Auto makes gamers violent and can be directly linked and traced to violent crime. This has been thoroughly debunked and proven wrong at every level. If anything, it gives people with actual violent impulses a outlet to vent frustration with in a safe environment where they are harming nor hurting anyone. If anything taking that away could arguably lead to the opposite effect they claim.

But I hear you ask WHY is this damaging to the fandom? Well glad you asked. Now, it is the absolute right of a website like FA, Inkbunny, Weasyl, or SoFurry to ban content as they see fit as they are PRIVATE websites owned by private individuals. They can effectively do whatever they damn well please in accordance to local federal law depending on where their servers are based. Drawn porn has always been a gray area in content in this way. That is why Yaoi is still a thing in the US despite the characters overwhelming being canonically underaged because it’s anime. What is damaging about this line of thinking is ‘where do you draw the lines then for all content and whose right even is that to dare say this content is banned on moral grounds when the arguments for it being morally based are flimsy and arguable at best?’ That is the elephant in the room few talk about when discussing this and as sites like FA have proved there is no discussion allowed on the topic as arguing against it gets you silenced and even banned. Luckily, I’m writing this on a platform free from any oversight to go into depth about this and my feelings towards it.

What it boils down is to personal opinion on how YOU choose to perceive the content and people are opting for a grossly literal interpretation of which I find honestly stupid, wrong, and damaging. Especially when it sets a president that this way of thinking is right and the norm. It stifles creative freedom and ignores other things like the ugly fact that is kinks like vore and ferals can be NEXT on this ridiculous chopping block. Personally I don’t think sites like FA are stupid enough to go that far but I have been proven wrong before. I weep at the idea people would go as far as to construe vore as a dog whistle for murderers and violent people. As I put it. ‘Opinions can be like assholes. Everyone has one and they all stink.’ Makes me wonder where this all began to derail in the fandom to be gravitating in this direction at all. In a fandom that SHOULD be the most loving, welcoming, and accepting there is.

Make no mistake. My stance on this is ‘today its Peechu. What about tomorrow? What’s next?’ Peechu may I remind you was even in Smash, your precious underaged baby is in a extremely violent video game where he, a child to you can get the shit beaten out of him alongside Nas and Villager. Do you think Nintendo a extremely family-oriented company would make such a grievous mistake on this line of thinking? No they wouldn’t. Make no mistake it will not end here. It will not end there remotely because you give these people an inch they will take a MILE. Because it tells them and others like them they can get away with this and are even protected for it by site staff. Free to keep pushing things in a increasingly more toxic direction. This is nothing but ill-conceived hate they talk about and brag about to think themselves morally superior to others with. Clout and pats on the back to stand by for validation from all their friends for like your some white knight coming back from the holy crusade. News flash crusader the crusades were anything but holy. Ask the children the Roman Catholic Church marched to war thinking their opponents wouldn’t attack them. The road to hell is PAVED with good intentions and to me this is but one steppingstone along that highway they are building for themselves and others.

When talking policy and website rules you have to look at things from the larger picture. See the forest not just the trees. See how you constantly moving the goalposts can have the very damaging effects of people loosing faith in you as a platform.

This is why I began to look at what I was doing on other websites and realized the writing on the wall. Which is FA is at risk of collapsing in on itself in the next decade or less if things continue in this direction. I don’t want to stick around for that metaphorical shit show. All by bowing to this speculative pseudo-moral crap. People who like myself probably in this rant need to take a chill pill. I fully acknowledge I am ranting lol, dadwolf is normally more chill than this but this does get under my skin sometimes.



Bi-Yearly Renewal

3/21/2024 is renewing in the site's service for another two years next month. Money has been secured to ensure uninterrupted service so the site can continue to function through to April of 20

The domain itself is secur
ed through to 2033.

Looking at the figures it costs a combined total of $26.19 a month to run my website with both bi-yearly charges combined spread over 24 months. Not a bad deal I'd say if a pain to keep track of. 

I -tried- VRC


Ported from my original Journal on FA here.


I just do not get it. To me it feels like a problematic platform that invites controversy and conflict. Especially with popufurs whose avatars cost more than some people's entire computers do. I do not understand why someone would pay a artist $1200+ for a virtual avatar for a platform where all the public worlds are filled with children.

To preface I am used to Second Life where I have most of my experience with this. Money being the biggest barrier IMO to prevent most of this.

Personally it makes me very uncomfortable to go into public chats in a 3D environment or otherwise and hear furs who are grown men talking with and interacting with others who are obviously children. It feels odd and wrong simply because I don't know what is going on under the surface here and want no part of it. All on a platform that does not endorse adult content like SL does.

Performance-wise yes I agree VRC has improvements to it that give it a very limited amount of advantages to SL. VRC avatars do not beat SL in detail IMO but can feel more life-like if you have a $3000 VR machine. Modern SL avis tend to be on the same level of quality to VRC imo. VR being the only advantage VRC has in making avatars look and act more real. But that is a huge gate to entrance for most who cannot afford that. If I am being honest modern SL worlds beat VRC in levels of detail. At least based on my impression of the game thus-far.

My take away from the game is I am not comfortable with it. It feels gross, low-poly, and I don't want to load into a worldspace and immediately hear a 31 year old man playfully arguing with a seven-year-old boy over memes or talking about furry things. Its weird and not in a way I am comfortable with.

SL has adult zones where I have never ever experienced this. The game requiring you to actually have money to make avatars, which negates most of this.

Just saying my peace on it because I don't think I will return to the platform again. I tried it for a day but a day is all it took for me to understand this is not SL where you don't need to worry about any of this. ll for a product that is just as good as VRC. If not superior in some regards. I'm not jumping ship for VRC. Made up my mind for that immediately.

Yes -some- character models may be slightly more detailed than SL avatars but SL beats VRC in worldspace and community by far. No adult party wants a bunch of kids ruining the mood or making people uncomfortable. VRC feels like entering a Call of Duty chat to realize 80% of the players are all in middle school and sound and act like it. You wouldn't invite a bunch of kids to a adult party around a bonfire at a camping site both because they are not emotionally mature to handle it and it just makes everyone needlessly more self-conscious. Not my cup of tea.

Until things change I wash my hands of VRC. I will not be back to the platform. It's just not worth getting into imo.

*Edit: I forget the platform does allow private worlds where apparently most of the adult content and audience is.

I just feel the way this is implemented though is just needlessly confusing and hard to navigate. Perha
ps its simpler than I give it credit for though. It's hard to say.

I also should clarify that I've only seen public servers too. Private ones may look drastically different and have worlds that are highly detailed too. It was just frustrating to start trying to log on to give it a chance and get an impression that was mixed at best. I see a ton of potential but very poor implementation at least so far imo and limited experience.

My Gold Paw...



Ported from my original Journal on FA here.

Edit *I want to preserve the original format of this journal so any additions I'll mark with a *. Just feel like I wasn't being fair or concise on a few points that were rambling in my journal.

I'll gladly reinstate it if I see the site has an upwards trajectory that isn't doomed to splinter off more and more until the site is nothing and dead. I refuse to support a site that bends the knee to social pressure of a very tiny minority of people who do not represent the majority in FA's userbase. As weird as that sounds please keep in mind we are talking about POLICING the politics and ethics of porn. Yes you heard right. The political and moral debate behind the porn industry in real-time. Let that sink-in for a moment.

FA is mostly SFW content but SFW content nets the least money to the fandom’s economy that is almost entirely based around NSFW content. The SAME NSFW community regulation on the site is impacting the most. Its like comparing Youtube to PornHUB. YouTube as big and profound as it is… is an ANT compared to the gross value of Pornhub as a company and its combined earnings yearly. The difference is like night and day it’s so extreme and impossible to ignore.

People like me have ceased posting on the site not because I want to but because I feel it is now my moral obligation. Which is most people don’t give a damn as long as their interests are fulfilled and its impacting the community in negative ways we can see in real time.

We have seen large artists already bend the knee because without FA their market and profit margins are crippled without it. Panicking to apologize for things they are not truly apologetic for because it’s just porn.

I want to take some of the gloves off to be a bit blunt for a bit. Trigger warning it may be some harsh love for some to hear.

Full stop. People forget furry porn isn’t worth anything or not much outside of our internet community. You are *(to an onlooker normie) a ‘filthy’ and ‘disgusting’ degenerate drawing smut for other degenerates on the web with artwork that has no numerical value to it outside what was paid for it. *The value derived from the skill of the artist, but mainly the value to the commissioner to get off to it. Pumping your dick to the finished product. You could be so terribly gifted your talent makes Michelangelo look like child’s play but your art doesn’t amount to hill of beans outside of the community because you are a furry porn artist the world doesn’t like and thinks is cringe at best. *We are a fring internet subculture that just happens to be one of the largest there is. You will not find furry porn in the Louvre in our lifetime. I challenge anyone to say otherwise outside of a tiny handful of artists who temporarily made it big like Zaush, MilesDF, and *Blotch (for their time anyways). Even then its pornography, it will never be hung up in any sort of public museum of note simply because it is pornography. Being well-drawn pornography doesn't matter in this case.

That aside it brings me to the main point that no artist in the furry fandom will ever shape or influence the world in any meaningful way by doing what they do because their work has its genesis in pornography. People who historically dance around the boundaries of what we deem acceptable as a society based on how we feel about the content. *We are historically a subculture that explores the vast potential of kink, sexuality, and the personification of non-human entities.

*I only bring this up because its to EMPHASIZE the triviality and ludicracy of trying to moderate porn if its not hurting anyone. So to me the question then becomes whose right even is it to cast judgment on the content and whose right is it to discipline others on it. Most importantly why is it right and can it be traced back to ‘Twitter Culture.’ *Twitter Culture in my opinion being behind these new decisions being made. Which if true they are basing decisions made by one of the most toxic social media platforms on the internet ran by a mega billion dollar venture capitalist company, not some small furry website like FA is by comparison.

I want to be blunt here. The people behind the recent Pokémon scandal are clinging to false or flawed arguments at best with their stance on content.

What set this powder keg of controversy off being if your Pokesona is a Gen-1 OR the lowest evolution of that Pokémon you are deemed child. An un-consenting adolescent who doesn’t know any better even if the character owner is a 31-year-old man who has been with the fandom for ten years. All because some nobody on FA slack chat lobbied FA staff on it.

This skewed view of morality didn’t also stop at Pokémon it was brought to Digimon as well with the same metric brought against users who effected even people ironically like Dragoneer himself whose fursona is controversially a Digimon. A property of a Japanese company who would sue Dragoneer into the ground if they knew about his fursona. You are NOT allowed to produce any content about a franchise without their permission that makes anyone a profit. Once a large company finds out you are making a actual profit off of their IP they can destroy your entire life through the magic of a lawsuit and threats of legal retaliation if you don’t stop. Which boils down to the point these companies don’t want to see Pikachu sticking his dick in Guilomon even if someone paid an artist for that. These companies want to see you thrown in jail before you ever make a single cent off their IP. We have seen this song and dance with Nintendo many, MANY times, most popularly known with Kurodod and his Oversexed Evie Evolutions comic in recent memory that got sued into oblivion. How dare a talented artist who is a fan of a IP give free advertising to this IP that already makes MILLIONS of dollars in profit yearly by cracking down on its erotic NSFW fan club. How fucking low can you go? Its all the fucking way with Nintendo who wants to see people suffer economic ruin before ever tarnishing their perfect child-friendly image that has SPAWNED OE OF THE LARGEST ADULT COMMUNITIES OF ITS KIND.

It drives me bonkers just to admit it. FA is literally attacking the hand that feeds them in these decisions. No one wants to see restricted regulation on Pokémon aside from a handful of sad individuals who think what happened to Tumblr is the perfect fate FA needs to suffer because of course it does. That will bring success and popularity to a site already in its twilight years and slowly is being phased out by other sites. FA’s days are numbered on this track, which is the saddest thing of all to say.

*Now I GET THAT FA is at the end of the day a business and moderators are just doing their jobs. WHich is FAIR. They are underpaid and overworked people like most of us in today's day and age. They may have NDAs they signed and if they do the silence can be deafening. HOWEVER, as it is their right to make the decisions they do for the website its also our right as the users to look elswhere if we don;t like the direction of the website. It works both ways and only hurts FA in the end. If FA wants to make that excuse saying 'well we are a business' you can hide behind that excuse, but it just means the website is a very poorly managed business. Management able to grow, stagnate, or destroy a business with their decisions.

Inkbunny, Weasyl, SoFurry, E621, the list is endless of smaller sites that would eat up ALL the traffic of a site like FA imploding in on itself. The furry fandom is so diversified that FA destroying itself would be but a speed bump on the fandom’s path into the future. If you are a furry in today’s day and age you are no longer a minority on the net's fringe subcultures. The fandom’s reach and influence is -VAST- compared to what it was in the 90s or even 2010s. My graduating class at high school doesn’t hold a fucking candle to the furries that graduated in 2023 in terms of size, opportunity, and investment.

Take it from someone who has been active for eleven years when I say the fandom is not what it used to be. It has become highly toxic, overly judgmental, and looking for witches and bad guys in all the wrong places. Cannibalizing their own for clicks to make themselves look better.

I will re-support FA if I see evidence they are beginning to listen to reason. Until then its been slow but I intend to roll out sweeping updates to my site because there I am free from censorship and regulations that limit what I post.

My thoughts on the FA situation



Ported from my original Journal on FA here.

I've been refining over bits of this just to get all my thoughts out better as this is a important issue that demands the utmost respect given the gravity of the applications. We are not just discussing porn but how content is moderated in general and how policies on popular websites are influenced and all too often for the worst.

I won't be leaving like some have no worries. Filth Hound isn't leaving FA over something that can be corrected and the fact content creators in general don;t have too many options atm, especially with Twitter in a whirlwind of controversy right now. I'm not jumping ship right now anyways and as far as I know I have not been impacted by these policy changes either. Although you all know by now I have a -thing- for big bad arcanines. Several friends of mine are also Pokemon character owners and just about everyone in the fandom knows and loves or is friends with people who have a pokesona. And that is what makes this situation ten times worse even for being such a small thing as it impacts a HUGE part of the fandom.

This is why I do find this change in policy to be in very ill-taste that will prove ultimately harmful to FA and ties in to everything I have been on-record saying again and again and again for years. That same battle we face everyday.

These people. These vocal few are out there and complacency and not raising your voice or discontent is what exactly leads to decisions like these. It enables people to be brazen and publically smear others with hit pieces on them over the pettiest shit. People have not spoken up, but the right amount of the others have in this very small minority of people who like to police content based on nothing, but their own opinions.

If we don't say we want less censorship and more creative freedom these assholes CAN AND WILL take it from us eventually and inevitably. It may not happen today or tomorrow, but eventually MORE policies will be handed down further limiting what content is allowed that even further affects different parts of the community. Just the act of trying to limit and invalidate a part of the fandom who we have had for ages with no outstanding issues with is just mind-boggling to see happen in real time on FA of all places.

This being said, my website is not going anywhere either and right now? It's looking pretty dang attractive. This is why to protect my content and creative freedom on a platform I own going forward I am making the decision to give previews and partial-views on FA, but will link back to where its my domain, my voice, and I make my own policies for the full piece. So if I ever wind up impacted and/or FA decides to chase away all their content creators with policies that in my opinion are too vague and invasive its no big loss to me. People also have incentive to give it a visit to keep up with me as a result.

Again I will continue to post here. Short of a ban anyways.

I will say though my faith in FA as a platform dwindles as well as my faith in this generation we have growing up. People read too much into things and assume people to be felons before anything proves to the contrary in a fandom that is 100% engrossed in worshipping creativity in fiction. Everyone has content that they may find gross and/or offensive for one reason or another. Its ALWAYS been this way. People don't like gore, people don't like rape, people don't like scatplay, people don't like murder, yet I don't see hate directed yet to non-con, vore, macros, crushing, or other destructive kinks. Nor does getting off to that content in my opinion make you a bad person so long as you don't act on what you fantasize about in the privacy and safety of your own home or do things in general that actually hurt people. 'Hurt' being defined as causing actual physical harm to someone and not simply hurting their feelings because they saw a jpeg on the internet that made them feel uncomfortable or saw that jpeg and immediately claim it will inspire people to commit those acts because it 'validates' them. Or offend people who get offended thinking of the moral applications who I find sometimes make up the majority of the 'outrage.' People become in-game millionaires in GTA off of organized crime in a gruesomely explicit (by gaming standards) game where you can hop out of your car, whip out a shotgun, push that shotgun to the head of a female NPC, and then pull the trigger before taking a bath in strawberry jam all for thirty seconds before it despawns. You get a little giggle and maybe $20 in-game off of it. These people are saying because you like shooting NPCs and general mayhem that glorifies crime that must mean your a criminal or about to become one because playing this game will inspire you to commit the IRL acts. By this same logic Rockstar Games should be not just banned from producing another GTA.

When you entangle and immerse yourself in these stupid pseudo-moral arguments that all ASSUME the worst out of people you do not know the situation can and often times does devolve into a a textbook definition of a witchhunt. 'The searching out and deliberate harassment of those with unpopular views,' A phrase that has its genesis from events like the Salem witchcraft trials that were held by neighbors accusing neighbors of witchcraft in a viscous kangaroo court that saw people murdered for witchcraft in some of the most gruesome ways imaginable. Some of the accusations also arguably made by people who stood to benefit from seeing others removed for selfish, greedy, and petty reasons.

That is all this is in a nutshell. Fake, pseudo-morality because it is entirely based on the premise of the assumption of content to be harmful without proof of anything and based on absolutely nothing but personal opinion. Which people are certainly entitled to their opinions, but this is taking a hugely unpopular opinion and shoving it down the throats of the masses. I am not saying we should allow all forms of content. I'm not saying let's just allow absolutely everything, but I also grew up in a generation where my father taught me right from wrong. I grew up knowing it is wrong to rape, to kill, and to respect the general rule of law. I can watch a action movie and know its fine to cheer on the main antagonist spraying blood everywhere with his machinegun gunning people down trying to kill him because its action, thrilling, and I KNOW ITS NOT REAL. I can watch horror movies and sleep at night KNOWING ITS NOT REAL. I can jack off to macro porn of giant monster-sized fursonas/characters slaughtering cities eating them and drowning them in wreckage and waste because I KNOW ITS NOT REAL. I can cover a planet in a hundred feet of shit that would have effectively buried the entire populace of said plant alive killing them all and enjoy that because I love hyperscat and again... and wait for it... I KNOW ITS NOT REAL. I can cum to fantasies I'd never indulge in IRL because I know its not real and its not causing, inviting, or calling for harm. There is the key in this entire argument. The question boils down to this. Where do we limit what we allow to post even knowing its not real and whose right/role is it to define that as a community? Can we even trust someone with the amount of power we'd be giving them to interpret these additional policies fairly and with sound judgment? Where also are these children's parents when they were raised? Did they just not teach them anything about how reality works with interpreting fiction? This is ALMOST on the same level as a child watching a horror film and then being terrified to sleep without a nightlight for eight whole months fearing Freddy Kruger is gonna get them now that they've seen the movie. Because taking FICTION at face-value is very child-like thing to do. Only a child really perceives the world at face value.

What an artist thinks is a nifty comic mechanic to include to depict characters can turn into a warzone in the chatrooms. Causing conflict and drama where none was intended. Why? Someone so strongly believes in how they associate something they feel they must morally defend it, while often times not realizing that an over analyzation of the world under the most critical lens can destroy everything that lens perceives.

Where does this end? Who is next? Ferals? More censorship on Pokemon and Digimon? Banning anything that remotely looks/seems non-consensual? People need to wake up. Boys get ahold of yourselves. Your calling random people zoophiles you've never met and didn't know five seconds ago all because they have a feral character WHILE your busy riding a fucking bad dragon canine DILDO. Jesus christ lmao. Your a random pervert degenerate online jacking off to jpegs of naked andromorphic wolf dudes just going at it banging one-another with their thick veiny canine dicks that are five fucking times bigger than a normal horse's is IRL and want to get into an argument over the IRL applications of what your looking at.

Dildos and comedy aside. I don't know where all this will go, but I will start brushing the dust off and start reworking and revising parts of my website I'll give updates on here. Again, I am not leaving nor will I cease to post here. In protest of this decision and to protect my own content I am going to start updating and migrating all new content to my website. FA will still get updates HOWEVER they will be tasers/partial images, with links to the full post that links back to my website where the full content will be hosted moving forward. I also will be disabling my subscription to FA+ and encourage anyone who has it to do the same. Lets vote with our voices AND our wallets.

And if you think you are safe let me tell you this. When has decisions like what have been made today ever just stopped at just one thing? What prevents FA staff from next month deciding ferals encourage beastiality and therefore must get banned? What stops them from deciding scatplay is pretty gross and fucked up so yeah lets ban that next. Its pretty nasty right? No one is gonna miss that cringe. What line needs to be crossed before you yourself are eaten up by the this machine you've let run for too long until it was too late.

Stay vigilant, send concerned notes to your admins. Lets show FA we do care about what the admins do with the platform and WE make the platform, not the other way around. Without us FA is just a outdated old platform that just got lucky.


Love for ferals!


Ported from my original Journal on FA here.

For most of you here you all know Reign. This is about the small upcoming social networking site or FLO for short.

Anthropomorphism as you all know is assigning human-like traits to animals, objects, or simply-put non-human ideals. Oxford dictionary defines it as 'the attribution of human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object.'

So where in the world does the mental gymnastics come in that make feral furries NOT okay? Folks we are looking at a situation developing on another website that is insisting that feral characters somehow equal real-life bestiality and that means its illegal and BAD. Ergo we should ban it from the website.

Not only is this way of thinking highly discriminatory and self-destructive, it poses to alienate and vilify part of the fandom. A part of the fandom that is NOT small either. We are a online-based community. Websites however small suddenly banning artwork and topics like ferals is a HUGE deal. People are going to understandably get upset and worried.

Reign is very intelligent, speaks fluently, talks and acts just like an anthro character if a very gross and disgusting one. He has a definable personality with preferences, complex relationships with others, and everything else that is the pure essence of anthropomorphism, the cornerstone of which our fandom is built upon. The only thing that separates him from anthros is poseable thumbs and walking on four legs. Even then Reign has methods to make himself almost as handy at manipulating objects as someone with actual hands.

So where do these people get off telling the fandom what is okay and what is not? Nothing about ferals are illegal and your argument is predicated on wild sweeping assumptions and generalizations trying to claim that all feral character owners are bestiality lovers who have probably committed the act themselves already. Or it encourages it. Do I need to spell out how outrageously bigoted, presumptuous (on an insulting level), and discriminatory this is? Its assigning people to viscous stereotypes that are simply untrue and DAMAGE the community as well.

Please, if this gains traction on other websites then we are lost as a fandom. Protect your feral brothers. Protect the integrity of the values of our fandom. A fandom predicated on acceptance, tolerance, and a community that spans all social classes and country borders. We are still that fandom. So please, stand with me and countless others in telling these bigots that we're not going to take it lying down. Not without a hell of a fight. A future where these people win is a future where me and countless others vanish. Is this what we as a fandom want? People becoming so very sensitive and easily offended and triggered over everything they start picking and choosing what is allowed and what gets washed away? All made on assumptions and generalizations applied to real-life in a fandom that exists on a fictional concept. And most importantly what is on everyone's minds right now is 'will this shit spread to other websites?' The future of the Furry Fandom is looking bleaker and bleaker with each 'victory' these bigots gain.

So spread the word. Send an angry email to their staff voicing your complaints. Make a journal. Just make sure this bigotry doesn't get excused by no one speaking up about it. It doesn't deserve a pass, it doesn't deserve to be swept under the rug nor excused. If we don;t say something now it excuses these actions and worst of all encourages them to further their efforts elsewhere.

To the people all saying 'But bestiality does exist in the fandom! We NEED change and this shoots that down.' I have a few points to bring to the table in telling you WHY blacklisting content as a response is a terrible idea. This approach is a terrible one that doesn't work for the following:

1. Should blacklisting become more prevalent sites will always exist to protect feral content. Its not going away. Not now, not ever. My website for one is not going anywhere anytime soon.

2. To enforce the change you seek would rely on people online reporting one another and doxxing groups. This does what we call 'creates a hostile environment' because this is an online community. Anyone can make a claim. Anyone can buy Photoshop or a generic art program and fabricate a screenshot. Its extremely easy to do and you'd be a fool if you believe people wouldn't make wild claims to spite someone else. This encourages he-said she-said claims, witch hunts, and mob justice fueled by a general hate that is blind to reason. There is no real justice in the avenues you have to do any kind of 'police work' within the fandom. Don;t beleive me? Crazed fans for awhile made 'Swatting' a popular -prank- on Twitch that involved calling the police and filing false police reports on innocent streams just to shit on their day with getting arrested on cam. All for something as little and petty as laughs.

3. Blacklisting content hurts content creators whose markets are on these websites.

4. Drawn depictions of anything that can be remotely construed as 'bestiality' by others is not defined nor is expressively illegal by the federal government at least in the United States where most popular furry websites have their domains. The First Amendment gives protection to it anyways. Its a moral gray area left gray on purpose to protect freedom of speech with artwork that has artistic merit. Prosecuting it is next to impossible. This is why sites like FA, Inkbunny, Weasyl, SoFurry, and any onther major site you can name off pretty much all condone it. Its not illegal.

5. This ideological sense of 'moral' promotes self-destructive behavior that can divide this fandom if this catches on and is allowed to grow. A wise man once said a house divided cannot stand. You are segregating people on a pedestal of pseudo-morality.

So with these outlined points those supporting this decision are starry-eyed idealists who don't realize how reality works and that they are in-fact playing with metaphorical fire. Furries do not condone animal abuse. We never have, never will, and its lead to numerous people getting shunned from the community regardless if they are truly guilty of it or not. This farce of banning content is nothing more than 'woke' individuals trying to virtue-signal their so-called morals in building what they think is a better community. When in reality nobody is amused, nobody appreciates their antics, and they may be responsible for the death of FLO if they loose their site traffic to this.

Its not a wonder this is all-over FA and Twitter (at least at the time of this news). We're not letting this stupidity go without givi
ng it a piece of our mind. It would be reckless and irresponsible of us to let this go. We will regret this if we don't respond NOW.

Please, show support for your feral friends and content creators. Get the word out this sorta bullshit does not fly nor ever will.

The Artist's Den

Updated 8/8/2020 

We now are host up to six different artists! We are preparing to launch a never-before seen service for the scat/farting/watersports kink community. This includes big names such as Coillte, RikuAoshi, and much more!

Site Longevity

Updated 10/6/2020

I've secured the domain through April of 2025.

I've secured website editing/updating to April of 2022.

Running this website is expensive. My two-year billing cycle is over 350 dollars, not counting the price for the domain itself, which is another 24 dollars per year. I do not make more money than your average joe working at a factory, which is to say I am not rich by any means. I struggle with bills and setting aside money for commissions like anyone else. Any donation made both helps secure future content as well as adding years of service to ensure the website remains up and running. The art featured in this website does not come cheap either. My average commissions run anywhere from 80-120 dollars just for my side of it. Donations help me continue to function and provide material you love.

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